Don’t be the “Average” Christian

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Amazing! I hope I can put into practice the words I read in my Bible!  Anna wrote this beautifully over at Journey of Faith.

talk the talkSometimes I wonder what Christians would look like if they stopped reciting the scriptures they have memorized in their head and start living by them, literally.

If instead of spouting out words when they seem to fit the occasion, we turn those words into action.

Because often times I see so many discouraged, purposeless, fearful, hopeless, faithless people and I wonder why.

It makes me wonder if we actually believe what we read in our Bible’s every day.

It makes me wonder how we would live if we lived by God’s Word, instead of read it for our morning devotion only to forget to follow it a few hours later.

If you believed that God cares about you more than you can imagine (1 Peter 5:7), that you have nothing to worry about because He will provide for you (Matthew 6:25-30), and that He has a…

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Inspiring Women: Lisa Jacobson


I have decided to add a new section to my blog.  This section, entitled Inspiring Women, will highlight women who inspire others.

Our first candidate is Lisa Jacobson.  Lisa is a blogger at Club 31 Women.  She often has guest blogs at places such as Time-Warp Wife.  Lisa’s husband works from home as a literary agent and writer.  Together they raise their 8, yep 8!, children and a host of animals.  She homeschools her kids and devotes her time to being a Proverbs 31 woman.

I encourage you to check her out.  She may inspire you as much as she inspires me!

Who inspires you?
